Help Us Keep Band Fees Low and Accessible to Every Student
Please help us keep this program alive by making a financial contribution. We appreciate every penny and encourage you to join us in supporting the band. The BPHS Band Boosters is a non-profit 501 (c) organization that supports the efforts of the Braves’ Entertainment Corps. As such, your donation is tax deductible.
Donate by Check
*** CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE ***Prefer to make a donation by check? No problem. Download the form below and send it along with the check in an envelope with your student to school.
Braves’ Donation Form
Donation Letters: Get Your
Extended Family Involved
Grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other extended family members — and friends — of band and color guard students are among our biggest supporters. So many want to help their loved ones thrive in programs such as ours, though they don’t necessarily know how to go about doing so. Sending Donation letters is the perfect way to ask for their help, and their donations are made on behalf of your student. Download the donation letter here: Donation Letter
Corporate Donations
Did you know that a lot of companies will donate to the band? Some offer matching contributions; others may be interested in being a sponsor or donating goods and services. Your employer could very well have a charitable program in place — or be open to starting one. However, you might need to ask.
You can download our:
Corporate Donation Letter
Check with your human resources department or talk to our Ways and Means VP to brainstorm ideas about approaching your employer or businesses you know about corporate donations to the band.
Our Story
Because we believe band should be accessible to every student who has the desire to participate, we pride ourselves in keeping band fees affordable. We need your help to do this!
By making a donation to our program, you are helping a large group of students find a place to belong while also encouraging them to succeed in high school and beyond.
The marching band is the largest organization on the Baldwin Park High School campus. It provides a strong social network while promoting high academic standards, self-discipline, teamwork, responsibility and leadership. Plus, our kids are just awesome!
How much support can you afford to show these remarkable students!
We are grateful for all donations, no matter how small!
Did you know?
Our band kids exhibit a pattern of academic success which usually represents 50% of the Top Ten in the Senior class while earning dual credit in Fine Arts and Physical Education.
Did you know that students involved in public school music programs scored 107 points higher on the SATs than those with no participation?
Did you know that music training enhances abstract reasoning skills?
Did you know that music uniquely enhances higher brain functions required for mathematics, science, and engineering?
Did you know that students involved in music are better at languages, learned to read more easily, showed an improved social climate, showed more enjoyment in school, and had a lower level of stress than non-music students?
And now you know how impactful your donation will be. What a program – thanks for being a part of it!