2019 Band Banquet
Are you attending?
All Marching Band Students are free.
Friends/Family tickets are $5/person include your meal.
Dinner will be served between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. At 7:00 p.m. we will make our introductions, followed by the slideshow and handing out awards!
All Marching band students are free as well as children ages 0-5. Everyone else is $5 a person. Everyone must complete the form, including our students so even if there is no family attending, we need a form for the band student. You can download the form here! Please have your student put the form and money in an envelope and hand it to Mr Huerta. The Dinner includes the meal/beverages/cake and other event related costs. Dinner is being provided by the Band Boosters. Entrée options are Tacos or fried chicken or vegetarian option. Specify your meal choice with your registration.
Seniors We Need Your Baby Photo
One of the fun features of the Band Banquet is the tribute to the graduating Seniors. That video presentation includes photos of the Seniors as babies/tots. We pair up that cute photo you’ve been saving with a photo of your Senior from this school year; it’s a lot of fun to see how much they’ve changed and how much they’ve stayed the same.
Upload your Senior’s baby photo to our Google Drive, or
Email it to bphsbandboosters@gmail.com
Put a photo into an envelope and drop with Mr Huerta in the band room. We will return your picture once we have scanned it. We can send you a copy of the file, too, if you’d like.
If you have some photos of any band student, or group of students, Senior or underclassmen, that you would like to share as part of our yearly memories presentation, please send them in! The more we have the more interesting the video presentations that run as we take our seats and dine before the speaking presentations.
We’d love to say every volunteer parent knows every band member on sight, first and last name, parent’s names, and associated emails, but we can’t. Please include the students’ full names in the file name or with the physical photo.
2019 Award Winners
John Philip Sousa
Enrique Martinez III

Louis Armstrong
Enrique Martinez III

Most Improved Performance

Mr Huerta Award

Most Improved Performance

Mr Huerta Award

Most Improved Performance

Outstanding Soloist

Most Improved Performance

Mr Huerta Award

Most Improved Performance

Mr Huerta Award